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API Review Courses & Advanced Training
NFPA has partnered with API (Advanced Paralegal Institute) to provide review courses for both of our exams, along with advanced specialty courses.

API Experience

  • API has specialized in Paralegal Education since 1978.

  • Advanced Specialty Paralegal courses initiated in 1995.

  • Test Preparation review courses since 1999 in co-sponsorship with NFPA. Our courses were developed in conjunction with NFPA members and reviewed extensively by their committees. We are the original provider for both PACE and PCCE test prep review courses.

  • The Founder and Director of the API, Renee Sova served on the PACE Item Writing committee when the PACE test was first developed in the early 1990's. Having worked as a Paralegal, Student Counselor, and Paralegal Educator, for over 42 years dedicated solely to the Paralegal Profession, Director Sova was the first and only professional to develop an exam prep course exclusively for NFPA. We do not offer prep courses for any other paralegal association which keeps our focus on what you need as a student to succeed for the PACE exam.

Competitive Advantage of API

  • Virtual classroom setting with a PACE certified paralegal instructor with 16 years experience teaching the PACE review class on line.

  • PACE Certified paralegal instructors are preferred over attorneys for peer to peer interaction and knowledge of the exam itself.

  • Testimonials available of proven success by students who have passed the PACE exam.

  • Significant database of students have passed the exam having gone through our course.

  • Certified instructor provides continuous mentorship to ensure students progress at a rate to achieve their goals. Most students cannot study on their own. They require a course that is paced and gated with deadlines for assignments and tests.

  • Mentorship by our PACE certified instructor affords student progress reports weekly through the use of weekly testing on the concepts taught.  We found anything less frequent has significantly reduced student success rates on the exam.

  • Curriculum updates as Exam changes.

  • Exclusive and specialized only for the paralegal profession.


Click here for the PCCE® Review Course.

Click here for the PACE® Review Course.

Click here for the Advanced Specialty Courses.


"I want to say “thanks” to you, Loretta  (my instructor), and the rest of the team at the Advanced Paralegal Institute (API) for assisting me on my journey to becoming an RP. I could not have successfully taken the PACE exam without the review course and Loretta's guidance. She was a wonderful mentor, and I always appreciated her quick response and feedback to my questions. Preliminary test results said that I was successful in achieving a pass rate on the PACE exam. The exam was definitely difficult, however, the PACE review course helped in preparing me with the overall knowledge and a basic foundation in the specific domains tested. Again, a huge “thank you” goes out to you and your team. This has been a wonderful educational experience, and I’m hopeful this will help guide me into my next paralegal job.” - Kristen

"I passed my PACE exam last week. Thank you so much for your excellent mentorship in the online course. Your course was invaluable for preparing me to take the exam.” - Julianne

"My experience start to finish with API has been excellent in a world with NO customer service anymore. It has been a real pleasure to deal with competent, professional, and personable individuals at every level. Follow up on some questions I posed to the Advanced Paralegal Institute (after successfully passing PACE YAY!) was handled in the very same courteous and efficient manner. The helpful study hints brochure was terrific. I committed it to memory and it gave me great confidence. In short, I could not have done it without them. This company is highly thought of in the industry and everyone involved has excellent credentials. My passing score is dedicated to you. I welcome further inquiry because I really don’t think I can put into a short letter exactly how beneficial I think the services offered by the Advanced Paralegal Institute truly are.” - Joanne

"I was one of your PCCE students last spring and I am contacting you to let you know I passed the exam! I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you once again for everything that you did during the courses. I believe the course was significantly helpful to me in preparing and passing the exam.” - Robert

“NFPA's relationship with API spans a 16 year history as the provider of the PACE review course to supplement NFPA's  groundwork for expanding paralegal roles and responsibilities through our PACE exam.  We are pleased with the online format and the attention each student is afforded. We are very pleased with API, its staff and faculty.”- Tracey L. Young, RP, former President of NFPA


National Paralegal Reporter, NFPA, PACE Registered Paralegal, RP, PACE, the PACE design logo, NFPA - The Leader of the Paralegal Profession and the NFPA design logo are all Registered Trademarks/Service Marks of NFPA; NFPA - Your partner in your profession, PACE - The Standard for Excellence, Paralegal CORE Competency Exam, PCCE, PCC Exam, CORE Registered Paralegal, CRP and PCCE design logo are Trademarks/Service Marks of NFPA. Corporate Sponsor logos and CLE provider logos used with permission. Site content © copyright 2022 National Federation of Paralegal Associations, Inc. except where noted otherwise. Interested in republishing content from this website? Download our Reprint Permission Form. (PDF) Links to other organizations are provided solely as a convenience and do not constitute an endorsement by NFPA unless specifically indicated. By clicking a link to an external web site you acknowledge that NFPA assumes no responsibility for the content of that site or any service it may offer. View our privacy statement.