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Marketing Opportunities

Market Your Products and Services to NFPA®'s 5,000+ Members

Reach professional paralegals who make purchasing decisions for their firms, corporations, government offices, and other organizations on a daily basis.

The average NFPA member is:

  • Experienced - employed as a paralegal for at least 7-10 years
  • Educated - 60% have college degrees
  • Respected - recognized as a valuable member of the legal team
  • Professional - committed to ethical and educational standards, the promotion of continued legal education, and enhancing the profession by actively participating in their professional associations.


Types of Marketing Available

Corporate Partner Program: Bundled marketing opportunities with great value for your organization. Check out the details!

National Paralegal Reporter Magazine Advertising: Review the Media Kit

NFPA Website Advertising - NFPA's website typically has over 15,000 visitors per month.

There are two advertising opportunities available:

Website Ads
Ad placements appear on the right side of every public-facing page and most members-only pages. These ads link directly to your website and are 150-px by 150-px. These placements are $2,000/year.

Homepage Banner Ads
Banner ads appear on the NFPA home page. These ads link directly to your website, and are 728-px by 90-px. Only one banner ad will appear on the home page at a time and can be purchased for $200/month. 

Member Education: Webinar sponsorship is a great way to showcase your company's expertise by presenting a Continuing Legal Education webinar. The cost is $500 to present a live webinar which will also be archived on the NFPA website. 

Member Communications - NFPA distributes communications to more than 5,000 subscribers across the United States.

There are two advertising opportunities available:

E-Newsletter Banner Ad
NFPA’s bi-weekly e-newsletter, News You Can Use. Banner ads appear towards the top half of the newsletter. The cost is $200 for two issues, or $350 for four issues. Click here to see a sample of the Newsletter and banner ad placement. 

Sponsored E-blast
Share your message via a sponsored e-blast. The cost is $1,000 per e-blast. Discounted rates available when multiple e-blasts are purchased in bulk.

Sponsorship and/or Exhibit Booths at NFPA Convention & Joint Conference: Please see the Convention and Joint Conference pages for vendor and sponsor information.

Provide a Member Benefit: Does your company want to partner with NFPA to provide a benefit to NFPA members? Contact

For additional information on any of these marketing opportunities, please contact NFPA's Director of Marketing.


National Paralegal Reporter, NFPA, PACE Registered Paralegal, RP, PACE, the PACE design logo, NFPA - The Leader of the Paralegal Profession and the NFPA design logo are all Registered Trademarks/Service Marks of NFPA; NFPA - Your partner in your profession, PACE - The Standard for Excellence, Paralegal CORE Competency Exam, PCCE, PCC Exam, CORE Registered Paralegal, CRP and PCCE design logo are Trademarks/Service Marks of NFPA. Corporate Sponsor logos and CLE provider logos used with permission. Site content © copyright 2022 National Federation of Paralegal Associations, Inc. except where noted otherwise. Interested in republishing content from this website? Download our Reprint Permission Form. (PDF) Links to other organizations are provided solely as a convenience and do not constitute an endorsement by NFPA unless specifically indicated. By clicking a link to an external web site you acknowledge that NFPA assumes no responsibility for the content of that site or any service it may offer. View our privacy statement.